Coming Soon, Check back
IF you know, YOU know 😉 Thats why you are here !
The BEST Gigs are yet to come.
Massive Concert Series
is coming shortly.
Tickets on sale shortly.
Major Venue:
If you are interested in being any one of the following:
Seed Sponsors, Event Sponsors, Venue Sponsors,
Service Providers, Vendors.
This event will be so much bigger than the original “Live-Aid” back in 1985.
(That includes, web, social media, press, TV, Media, Merchandise)
or anything you feel you can add to this historic event, then fill in the form below and let us know. Obviously, we cannot take everyone or everything you can offer,
However, if we don’t know about what you can do to help, then the answer will certainly be no.
So don’t delay, don’t snooze, fill in the form and let us know NOW!
We may very well need your help and assistance NOW!
Your offer will be considered, and we will reply as fast as we can, with a yes, no or a maybe).